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A close connection between production and research is important for the development of new applications and technologies. So far a few topics were published.


A.S. Kovali, M. Demant, B. Rebba, N. Schüler, J. Haunschild, S. Rein
Early stage quality assessment in silicon ingots from MDP brick characterization

Jan Beyer, Nadine Schüler, Jürgen Erlekampf, Birgit Kallinger, Patrick Berwian, Kay Dornich, Johannes Heitmann
Minority Carrier Lifetime Measurements on 4H-SiC Epiwafers by Time-Resolved Photoluminescence and Microwave Detected Photoconductivity

Paul M. Jordan, Daniel K. Simon, Franz P.G. Fengler, Thomas Mikolajick, and Ingo Dirnstorfer
2D Mapping of Chemical and Field Effect Passivation of Al2O3 on Si Substrates

Paul M. Jordan, Daniel K. Simon, Thomas Mikolajick, and Ingo Dirnstorfer
BiasMDP: Carrier lifetime characterization technique with applied bias voltage

N. Schüler, B. Berger, A. Blum, K. Dornich, J.R. Niklas 
High Resolution Inline Topography of Iron in P-doped Mutlicrystalline Bricks by MDP

K. Dornich, N. Schüler, J.R. Niklas 
Injection dependent lifetime spectroscopy with a varying pulse length

K. Dornich, N. Schüler, B. Berger, J.R. Niklas 
Fast, high resolution, inline contactless electrical semiconductor characterization for photovoltaic applications by MDP

Bastian Berger, Nadine Schüler, Sabrina Anger, Bianca Gründig-Wendrock, Jürgen R. Niklas, Kay Dornich
Contactless electrical defect characterization in semiconductors by microwave detected photo induced current transient spectroscopy (MD-PICTS) and microwave detected photoconductivity (MDP)

N. Schüler, T. Hahn, K. Dornich and J.R. Niklas:
Spatially resolved determination of trapping parameters in P-doped silicon by microwave detected photoconductivity
25th EUPVSEC Valencia, Spain

N. Schüler, D. Mittelstrass, K. Dornich and J.R. Niklas:
High resolution inline detection of changes in the conduction type of multicrystalline silicon by contact less photoconductivity measurements
35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists conference, Honolulu Hawaii

N. Schüler, D. Mittelstrass, K. Dornich, J.R. Niklas and H. Neuhaus:
Next generation inline minority carrier lifetime metrology on multicrystalline silicon bricks for pv
35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists conference, Honolulu Hawaii

N. Schüler, T. Hahn, K. Dornich, J.R. Niklas:
Versatile simulation tool and novel measurement method for electrical characterization of semiconductors
Solid State Phenomena 156-158, 241-246 (2010)

N. Schüler, T. Hahn, S. Schmerler, S. Hahn, K. Dornich and J.R. Niklas:
Simulations of photoconductivity and lifetime for steady state and nonsteady state measurements
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010), 064901

N. Schüler, T. Hahn, K. Dornich, J.R. Niklas, B. Gründig-Wendrock:
Theoretical and experimental comparison of contactless lifetime measurement methods for thick silicon samples
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 94 (2010), 1076-1080

K. Dornich, N. Schüler, D. Mittelstraß, A. Krause, B. Gründig-Wendrock, K. Niemietz and J.R. Niklas:
New spatial resolved inline metrology on multicrystalline silicon for PV
(To be published in proceedings of 24th EU PVSEC)

S. Schmerler, T. Hahn, S. Hahn, J.R. Niklas, B. Gründig Wendrock:
Explanation of positive and negative PICTS peaks in SI-GaAs
J. Mater Sci: Mater Electron

T. Hahn, S. Schmerler, S. Hahn, J.R. Niklas:
Interpretation of lifetime and defect spectroscopy measurements by generalized rate equations
J. Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2008) 19:S79-S82

K. Niemietz, K. Dornich, M. Gosh, A. Müller, J.R. Niklas
Contactless investigation of electrical properties and defect spectroscopy of mc-Si at low injection level
21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, p. 361-364

K. Dornich, K. Niemietz, Mt. Wagner, J.R. Niklas
Contact less electrical defect characterisation of silicon by MD-PICTS
Material Science in Semiconductor Processing, Elsevier, 241-245

S. Hahn, Franziska Christine Beyer, Andreas Gällström, Patrick Carlsson, Anne Henry, Björn Magnusson, J.R. Niklas, Erik Janzén
Contact-Less Electrical Defect Characterization of Semi-Insulating 6H-SiC Bulk Material
Mater. Sci. Forum 600-603, 405 (2009).

S. Hahn, K. Dornich, T. Hahn, A. Köhler, J.R. Niklas, P. Schwesig, G. Müller

Contact free defect investigation of wafer annealed SI InP
Material Science in Semiconductor Processing 9, Elsevier, 355-358

K. Dornich, T.Hahn, J.R. Niklas
Non destructive electrical defect characterisation and topography of silicon wafers and epitaxial layers
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 864, 2005 MRS

S. Hahn, T. Hahn, K. Dornich, B. Gruendig - Wendrock, J.R. Niklas, P. Schwesig, G. Müller
Contact free defect investigation in as grown Fe doped SI - InP
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 864, 2005 MRS




